Aurinkoinen Aamulenkki!

by | Dec 14, 2012 | Aamulenkki, Luokittelematon | 4 comments

Paivan kevyt lenkki tehty. Aurinko paistoi niin ihanasti, etta piti pysahtya ottaan parit kuvat! Matkaa kertyi sellaiset 9km ja aikaa meni 50min! 

Today’s easy run done! Sun was shining so nicely, that I had to stop to take some pics. I ran approx. 9K in 50mins.

                       (Kuvat on otettu 9/11 muistomerkin juurella taalla New Jerseyn puolella. )
                         (Pics are taken at the 9/11 Memorial Statue here in New Jersey side)

Perus venyttelyjen lisaks viela vahan “rullailin”  jalkojen lihaksia
ja ylaselkaa!
Talla saa hyvin pahimmat jumit auki.

I was just going to wish you all nice and sporty weekend…. but just when I was finishing writing this post, the awful news came out about that school shooting in Connecticut…. It’s so awful. As a mum, I just can’t understand, why someone would do something so bad for all those innocent children, and adults as well! How the parents of those children who died, will ever get over it? I can feel the pain, but I can’t even imagine how I would react if something like that happens to my children!  What’s wrong with people??  Thats all I can say right now… ๐Ÿ™

As I was picking up my children from school, I heard from the other parents, that the killer lived almost in OUR neighborhood, just a few kilometers away!!!

I am saddened by these events and my heart go out to the entire Newtown community. 
I wish you all safe weekend and take care of your loved ones…


  1. Anonymous

    Ihan mielettömän hienoja kuvia! Mukavaa joulunodotusta teille sinne xxx heli

  2. Hellu

    Kiitos paljon ja samoin sinne kanssa ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Pipsa

    Aivan mahtavia kuvia! Millaisissa maisemissa pääsetkin siellä lenkkeilemään…! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Hellu

      ๐Ÿ™‚ ei voi valittaa! ๐Ÿ™‚
      Just tulin kavelylta, mut oli ihan jaatavan kylma! Tosi kova tuuli! Tuskin kuitenkaan ihan niin kylma kuin siella!


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