
by | Dec 11, 2012 | Lisaravinteet, Luokittelematon | 0 comments

Niin monet hehkuttaa QuestBarin protskupatukoita, etta paatin ottaa muutaman testiin! Tuoteseloste naytti yllattavan hyvalta! Sokerit 1g (Steviaa makeutuksena) ja proteiinia 20gr. Kaikki ovat myos gluteenittomia ja sisaltaa paljon kuituja. Kaikki ainekset oli luettavissa/ymmarrettavissa… Usein listalle eksyy tosi erikoisia ja outoja juttuja! Silloin on parempi jattaa kaupan hyllylle.

Harvoin syon protskupatukoita, lahinna vain matkustaessa tai jos mitaan muuta ei ole saatavilla. Syon mieluummin “aitoa” ruokaa… hedelmia, marjoja, smoothieta, luonnonjugurttia tai rahkaa valipalana. Proteiinipatukka on kuitenkin hyva vaihtoehto valipalaksi, jos tarvitsee jotain nopeasti. Laukussa on aina hyva olla jotain valipalaa, jos iltapaivalla iskee nalka, ettei sorru kahviloitten pulliin! Banaanit mustuu ja hedelmatkin “pehmenee”, jos joutuvat olemaan pitkaan kassissa. Nama ovat hyvia vaihtoehtoja, jos vaan tykkaa mausta! 

So much noise about QuestBar Protein Bars, so I decided to give them a try too! Ingredients looks pretty “natural”, no weird ingredients which I don’t recognize so that’s good! If you don’t know what you are eating, it’s better not to buy that at all! Only 1gr of Sugar (Stevia, instead of sugar or Artificial sweeteners) and 20gr of Protein. High in Fiber and Gluten Free.

I don’t usually eat Protein Bars a lot. I prefer “real food” like fruits, berries, smoothies, greek yogurt as my snack. But I have to say that Protein bars are good to have in a handbag, especially, when traveling or if you have nothing else (healthy) available! It’s definitely better than cakes in Cafe’s… And these ones seems to be a good option.

So I tried these 3… In the store they had at least 10 different ones! They recommended Cinnamon Roll (best seller…??) Well… 

CINNAMON ROLL: I think this one was awful, tasted really artificial ( even if it says All     Natural… Best Seller??? Really?

CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER: This one was ok… but I don’t think I will buy again…

CHOCOLATE BROWNIE: This one was good! My favorite! Tastes really good especially if you are craving chocolate! I ate only half of it and didn’t feel hungry anymore! Might buy again… and have it in my handbag just incase! 

Do you like these? Which one is your favorite?


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