by | Nov 7, 2012 | Luokittelematon, Uncategorized | 0 comments


Armeijateltta paalla! Oli tosi kylma… Ja aurinko ihan oikeestikin paistoi valilla 😉 
Taalla ilmat ovat kylmenneet ihan yhdessa yossa! Viela viikko sitten juoksin Poland Springissa shortseilla ja nyt mennaan toppatakki paalla ja silti on kylma! Ei siis ihme, etta flunssa teki paluun 🙁 Juuri kun luulin, etta saastyin flunssalta niin eikos aamulla kurkku ollut kuin raastinrauta! 
Ei auttanut muu kuin lahtea “shotteja” hakeen OA:lta. Mutta!! Myyja suositteli kokeilemaan Oregano Oljya! Muutama tippa veden sekaan pari kertaa paivassa! Ja huh huh, olipa tujua ainetta. Ihan huulia poltteli. Ei turhaan siis verrattavissa yhta tehokkaana kivunlievittajana kuin morffiini! Taa viikko mennaan iisisti, korkeintaan kavelylenkkeja ja venyttelya!
Here the weather is getting way colder! Last weekend I ran Poland Spring race in shorts and now I’am wearing my winter jacket and I’am still cold. So it’s not a surprise that I feel that I’am getting flu again:(  I went to OA to get some “shots”, but the lady recommended me to try this Oil Of Oregano. Never heard before! Few drops with water, couple of times a day! Oh my… this was so strong! My lips were almost burning! I’am not surprise that it’s compared to be as strong painkiller as morphine! Well.. we will see if it’s working! This week will be easy, maybe some walking and streching but that’s it.

Oil of Oregano is a natural Anti-Inflamatory Medicine. Highly potent purifier that provides many benefits for human health. Its rich in many minerals ex. calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and vitamins C and A. Its extracted from wild oregano plant and primary components are carvacrol and thymol. Those 2 components working together “synergistically”makes it really powerful! 

It Helps:
-Arthiritis, Sore Muscles, Sport Injuries, Backaches etc.
 Make a 50/50 mixture of Oregano Oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil and rub a few drops of the mixture into the skin of affected areas.

– Migraine & Sinus Headaches

-Digestive Problems
 Have been shown to calm upset stomach and aid digestion. Have a glass of water or juice with 2-3 drops of Oil of Oregano

– Insect Bites& Stings

– Burns

– Ear Infections

– Toothache

– Skin Infections
 Its important to dilute it before using directly onto skin. 1tsp Olive or Coconut oil/ 1 drop Oil of     Oregano helps especially with acne.

– Cold and Sore Throats
  Excellent early defense mechanism when feeling cold or sore throat coming on. 3-4 drops in small glass of water once or twice a day.

Testasin tata myos inhottavaan finniin otsassa! ( sekoitin 1tl kookosoljya ja 1 tippa oregano oljya) Levitin sekoitusta finnin paalle illalla ennen nukkumaan menoa ja niin oli finni yon aikana huomattavasti pienentynyt ja “kuivunut”.

I also tried this oil in one pimple in my forehead. I mixed 1tsp coconut oil with 1 drop of Oil Of Oregano. Then I put it straight to my skin/pimple before going to bed. And over the night that pimple was definitely smaller and drier! 



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