Running in the Central Park & Runners Stretches!

by | Feb 5, 2013 | Juice Press, Juoksu, Luokittelematon, Nyc, Venyttelya | 0 comments

Viela ehdin jarjestaa “juoksutreffit” Central Parkiin Catien kanssa! Tutustuin Catieen viime kesana Central Parkissa, maratoonareille tarkoitetussa 20mile juoksutapahtumassa. Siina kun juostiin melkein kolme tuntia rinnakkain niin ehdittiin tutustua oikein kunnolla! Matkakin sujui oikein rattoisasti jutellessa! Siita kolmen viikon paasta olimmekin samassa juoksutapahtumassa pace leadereina!

Me & Catie in the Central Park!
It’s so great to run with Catie cause we are running exactly same pace!
We even have same PB in 1/2 marathon!

Juoksun jalkeen pysahdyttiin salille venyttelemaan. Annoin Catielle muutaman vinkin juoksijalle sopivista venytyksista! Varsinkin takareidet, pohkeet ja lonkat jaykistyvat juoksussa, ja ne olisikin hyva venytella auki juoksun jalkeen. Venyttely lisaa liikkuvuutta ja auttaa lihaksia palautumaan nopeammin!

Tight hamstrings limits your range of motion, and 
that can affect on your running stride, form and speed!
To improve hamstring flexibility, try this one! And more 
you lift your toes up, more you can feel it in your calfs!

This one is good one to open up your groins, but stretches
 the quads as well!

This one is good for the piriformis, tight groins and hamstrings! Push 
the knee away from you, and more you will feel it! Piriformis is responsible for 
rotation of the hip, and runners piriformis can get really tight!
(You can do this one sitting on the foam roller, and you will give a good massage 
to your piriformis!)

This one is good for the quads. You can keep the left knee
bent up like in the picture or straight down. And, if you feel comfortable,
you can lean on your back. It’s important to have strong and flexible quads because these muscles helps to lift the knees and increase your speed!

Runners are notorious for tight hamstrings which can cause 
lower back problems and lead to pulled muscles!
This one is good for your lower back, but stretches the
hamstrings as well!


Downward facing dog gives a nice stretch for the whole body, but 
especially for your lower back, calfs and hamstrings!

Tasta matka jatkui kotiin Juice Pressin kautta! Kotona ei ole jaakaapissa muuta kuin valo! Niinpa taalta mukaan tarttui aamupalaksi raakapuuroa ja lounaaksi pahkinaista karpalosalaattia! Ihan huippua, etta taalla on niin paljon terveellisia take away vaihtoehtoja melkein joka kadun kulmassa, jos ei ole vaikka aikaa kokata!

 I was so glad that we manage to meet up for a run in the Central Park with Catie. I met Catie last summer in the Central Park, in a 20mile training race for Nyc marathoners. We ran almost 3 hours next to each other, so you get to know the person pretty well!! Time flew by fast when you talk… 3weeks later we were pace leaders for another 20mile training race!!

After the run, we stopped in the gym to do some stretching. Its always good to do some stretching after running. Especially for hamstrings, quads, calves and pelvis, or it can get really tight!

Before heading home we stopped in Juice Press! Right now I have only light in the fridge so I got some raw oatmeal for breakfast and some walnut/cranberry salad for lunch! Its so great that there’s so many healthy foods stores to get some food, if you have no time to cook! 


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