by | Dec 17, 2012 | Green smoothie, Luokittelematon, Resepti | 5 comments

Anyone else feeling tired today? It was so dark and rainy this morning, so it made me feel even more tired… So what can I do? I had 2 options A) too much coffee and giving up, and eating the rest of the Fazer’s chocolates from the cupboards or B) Making a Super Green Smoothie…. Well, maybe not hard to guess what was my decision.

All you need is …

Banana: Helps to regulate blood sugar levels and may help reduce the risk of high blood pressure and death from stroke. Bananas are known for their high potassium levels. It contains Vitamin A, Folate ( protects against anemia), Vitamin C , Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Vitamin B.

Kale: Kale is one of the healthiest vegetables around. It contains whopping amounts of Vitamin K, A and C.

Cucumber: contains Vitamin C. The hard outside skin contains fiber and minerals, including silica (great for healthy skin!), potassium and magnesium.

Sweet Pea Shoots: Its packed with Vitamins A ( four times more than Tomatoes!), C (seven times more than Blueberries!) and with Folic acids (= one of the B-group vitamin)

Spinach: Spinach has a high Vitamin A content in the form of beta-carotene (antioxidant vitamin!). It also contains Vitamins K, E, C and B.

Clorophyll: Chlorophyll is known to fight infections, heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune and detoxification systems.

+1 medjool Date

pinch of Salt

(Chlorellaa saa Suomesta ainakin Puhdistamolta jauheena. Ma kaytin tassa shotin, kun sattu kaapissa oleen… Spirulina on kans hyva! Ja ehka laittaisin viela puristuksen verran sitruunaa…) 

Serves 2
Vahan Poweria Maanantaille!


  1. -Sanna

    Spirulinaa mäkin sekoittelen mehuun tai smoothieen. Se antaa poweria 🙂

    Tuosta sun aamupalasta missä on mm. banaania ja mustikoita (?), mitä kaikkea siinä on? Saisko tarkempaa reseptiä?

  2. Hellu

    Joo, molemmat tosi hyvia!

    Siita aamupalasta… pilkon 1/2 banaanin, mustikoita, raaka granolaa ja sit paalle laitan cashew/banaanimaitoa! Ohje taitaa olla aikaisemmassa postauksessa… mut voin laittaa uudelleen jos ei loydy. Se on ihan huippu hyvaa! En osaa enaa muuta aamulla syoda…

  3. -Sanna

    Onko tuo cashew/banaanimaito jotain purkkitavaraa vai itse mixattua? Granola on kai myslin tapaista? Kysyy nimim. “tyhmä” 🙂

    • Hellu

      siina on 4 taatelia mut vahempikin riittaa ettei tuu liian makeeta! Ja se sun arvaus oli oikein! 🙂

  4. Hellu

    Ei, ma oon sen ite tehny! Katso lokakuun postauksista Perfect start for the day! Se ohje on siina!


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